Chat now in a dynamic sidebar

2024-08-22 - Update: Chat sidebar is now resizable and collapsable

The Chat component is meant to be an assistant always ready to answer something about your dataset. You can ask general questions or specific computations as well.

Its role is to support you during the data exploration activity.

Having the chat always present, eroding important space for other widgets is problematic.

Introducing the dynamic sidebar for the Chat component

Now the Chat component can be:

The design rationale has been:

The Chat can be used for many different tasks, most of them quick and disposable. We don't need it always present, so the collapsibility serves this purpose.

At the same time, depending on the activity, you might want to give it more or less space, depending on what you're asking. The resizability serves this purpose.

Hope you enjoy this update, and we are always listening!

Do you want to try exploring data in natural language? (it's dope!)

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